Tag: ucloud

  • DeiC Interactive HPC Revolutionises Interdisciplinary Research with User-Friendly Supercomputing Access

    With 10,000 users, DeiC Interactive HPC has established itself as one of Europe’s most popular HPC facilities, thanks to an unprecedented democratisation of access to advanced computing resources… Read more under the following link: https://interactivehpc.dk/?p=1492

  • New UCloud User Interface

    DeiC Interactive HPC is excited to roll out the new User Interface on the UCloud platform, designed to simplify processes and enhance the user experience. The updated interface, serving 10,000 users (and growing), signifies the dedication to delivering an easy-to-use interface that provides researchers with access to advanced interactive computing power, along with comprehensive data […]

  • Sentiment Analysis of Hotel and Restaurant Yelp Reviews: A Comparison of Methods and Theories

    This project, led by Fuad Mehraliyev, an associate professor at ISE, compares various methodological and theoretical approaches in conducting sentiment analysis within the context of service encounters. Eight studies were conducted using the Yelp dataset, with multiple models compared in each study. The analytical process involves several steps, including data cleaning and preparation, extracting review […]

  • Transcription of audio files

    It has been announced that CLAAUDIA’s Pelle Rosenbeck Gøeg has completed his first application for the UCloud platform. As mentioned in the documentation of the application: “This utility is used to make a transcription of a voice or video recording, using the Whisper large language model from OpenAI.” It is safe, secure, adaptable, high quality transcription of audio […]

  • New way to use SSH for accessing apps on Interactive HPC

    Reposted news from: https://interactivehpc.dk/?p=1300 One minute! That’s how long it took to set up the new SSH access to DeiC Interactive HPC applications.  If SSH is of interest to you, you probably know that DeiC Interactive HPC applications have recently experienced limitations in providing a reliable and scalable solution for accessing their services using Secure […]

  • Mixed methods approaches to detecting and analyzing communities on 4chan/pol/

    In Daniel Bach’s Ph.D. research using the advanced computational power of High Performance Computing (HPC) through UCloud, the research is able to delve into the vast textual content found within online communities, such as the anonymous imageboard 4chan’s politically incorrect (/pol/) section. On this platform, myriad posts, numbering into hundreds of millions, are continually generated, […]

  • How do Danish politicians in Folketinget respond to external shocks?

    By Nicholas Buhmann-Holmes, PhD Fellow, Roskilde University This PhD project looks at how politicians in Folketinget (Danish parliament) respond to external shocks. This is done by computational quantitative analysis of parliamentary debates from Folketinget from the early 1900s and onwards. The project focuses on how Danish politicians have responded to external shocks. The project looks […]

  • Addressing Climate Change with Big Data: A Machine Learning Approach to Green Public Procurement 

    Ph.D. student Bjarke Lund-Sørensen, Roskilde University, in collaboration with Professor Ole Helby Petersen and Associate Professor Lena Brogaard.  This project examines how governments utilize the great potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through public procurement from the private market. Public procurement is a slightly overlooked area in the debate on climate change. However, public procurement […]

  • Setting up jupyter-notebook with GPUs on AAU

    As a pre-requirement make sure you have a project on UCloud with allocation of CPU and GPU resources on AAU. If this is not the case, please contact your local Front Office, for example by sending an email to escience@ruc.dk. The HW configurations from AAU are described below (per single node): GPU Nvidia T4 [1, […]

  • The cost of success – user overload on DeiC Interactive HPC

    Re-posting of an article: https://interactivehpc.dk/?p=1286 While there was never any doubt that DeiC Interactive HPC would be a success, the popularity of the HPC facility has taken the Interactive HPC consortium a little by surprise. The two-year old system reached no less than 5000 users back in December, and while every milestone is celebrated the […]