National HPC Facilities

Overview of national HPC Facilities and how researchers at RUC can apply for computational resources and storage

This page serves and overview of national HPC types and describes how researchers at RUC can apply for computational resources and storage on the national HPC facilities (overview provided by DeiC). The details of an application process can be looked up also on DeiC website.

Type 1 – DeiC Interactive HPC
The type 1 system is mainly focused on interactive computing and easy access for users. The system is made of the YouGene cluster hosted at SDU. RUC staff and students can access the cluster resources via UCloud (login through Roskilde University). For more details click here.

In order to apply for extra resources it is necessary to submit a grant application for a research project via the UCloud user interface, as explained in the related documentation.

Type 2 – DeiC Throughput HPC
This type of HPC system typically has a large number of cores which can be a mix between cost-effective and calculation-efficient units. Type 2 also has the ability to handle large amounts of data and its main focus is on high-throughput performance.

There are three type 2 HPC systems available at national level for RUC researchers:
Computerome 2.0

Researchers and PhD. students at RUC can apply for resources on one of the type 2 via RUC’s Front Office by sending email to

Type 3 – DeiC Large Memory HPC 
This type of HPC system focuses on problem solving, with a structure that cannot be easily or efficiently distributed between many computer nodes. This is a type of system that is characterized by typically relatively few cores with access to a large globally addressable memory area. 
Type 3 is hosted and maintained at SDU. For the cluster specs check here. The user guide can be found at this link.

Type 4 – DeiC Accelerated HPC
Type 4 is a type of system whose primary computing capacity comes from accelerators of various kinds. The primary purpose of establishing the type 4 computer is to provide an opportunity to test alternative accelerator solutions. The system is not as such a production plant, but more an HPC laboratory. However, it will be open to researchers who can utilize this technology to perform computational tasks on the computer. 
The Type 4 plant is currently not operational.

Type 5 – LUMI Capability HPC
Capability HPC provides a similar setup to DeiC Throughput HPC but with increased possibilities by virtue of state-of-the-art hardware. Specifically the interconnections between compute nodes is designed to minimize latency thereby addressing the issue of communication induced latency in distributed-memory programs running on separate nodes. Additionally the user can obtain access to large amounts of disk space also with low-latency interconnects. In this way Capability HPC enables computations that are prohibitive with DeiC Throughput HPC due to communication latency.

Researchers and PhD. students at RUC can apply for resources via RUC’s Front Office by sending email to